Spell Check
Do you spell it wierd or weird? I always understood it to be wierd since the old rule from school "I before E except after C."
Andy thinks I am incorrect! Am I? Honey...your argument? And anyone else's?
Andy thinks I am incorrect! Am I? Honey...your argument? And anyone else's?
At 11:14 AM ,
Zhubin said...
Letting go of the fact that you had internet access to type this, and thus could have checked Google, Webster.com, dictionary.com, or a variety of online sources for the correct spelling, did you notice that Blogger itself comes with a spellchecker?
At first, I thought this was a weird (or, for you, wierd) lapse of judgment for you, but then I remembered who you voted for the past two elections, and it aaaaallll made sense. :-)
At 11:34 AM ,
Paige said...
I admit it was strange.
Have I been wrong all these years since my junior year of high school...because of Ms. Ball POINTING OUT spelling rules...in english? I vividly remember her making us memorize spelling rules from the english language (even though she was the spanish teacher). She made us cry, ask Allan Weir...the woman was threatening.
It's a hard word, ok?
Ms. Ball was a democrat Zhubin (she was quite loud with her political affiliations and raved how she was voting for Al Gore in the 2000 election). I may be more conversative and make spelling errors...but at least I don't TEACH errors to the upcoming generations...like some political parties. So who is actually making America dumber? huh??
At 2:42 PM ,
BG said...
It isn't a teaching error on her part, and she wins again since we all know how Bush has worked out. This must have been a bad day for you. Also, let me add that you could have loaded up word and spelled it "wierd" and had it fix it.
At 3:30 PM ,
Paige said...
so what is the deal with the saying "I before E except after C"...is it receive or recieve? Nevermind...I'll check it myself. It wasn't really the word itself, just the rule that I lived by.
My whole spelling education has gone out the door.
My life is in shambles...
At 5:13 PM ,
BG said...
It is just a general rule, I can think of a few words off the top of my head that don't follow it either: Their, Foreign, vein.
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